What is this site about?

That's pretty easy.

  1. I write stuff
  2. I attribute them creative common license 
  3. I publish the result here for you guys to enjoy
So, basically, this is a writing blog where I share my writings for free and  let you use them for whatever non commercial use you want as long as you let me know.
I am trying hard to update the blog at least twice a week, with flash fictions and other work with real words in it.

Yeah okay, but what am I supposed to do with it?

Being French, I base my life on the principle that everything can be cooked and eaten. Why don't you give it a try and tell me how it taste? I'm sure a couple of entries here go really well with an old Saint-Emilion.

Now, there are alternatives:

  • Keep on reading if you like it
  • Send me constructive critics  if something bugs you
  • Like the lemon's Facebook page and share it with your friends
  • Send me a couple of hundred larges so I can stop working for the man and finally write books gratefully retire. 
About me.

I've had many people asking me for a profile. I've had people literally start interviewing me when I said I did fiction. So there, answers:

  • I am French. I write in English because I like it.
  • I was managing 2 companies before starting to write for a living. Talk about a change.
  • I do want to stick it to the man. Deep. Then again I do need to eat and I have yet to find a kind soul to sponsor my weekly groceries. You can send parmesan cheese if you like.
  • I haven't written any book yet. You need either time or money or both. I don't have that at the moment, but I have plans. Oh yes I do.

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