There are some evenings…
You just happen to tilt you head back and dusk is already right in front of your face.
Sometimes it’s just you, sometimes, some dude taps on your shoulder and while pointing straight upward he goes “Hey…look at that!”
And of course you’re gonna look, ‘cause what’s to see is just not real.
The sun is suddenly more than a big ball of flaming gas, the clouds more than some vapor. This red hot blood spread across the sky seems to come right from your veins.
You gaze into this huge scenery and you realize that it’s taking everything away. No more endless commute to your office, no more bitching for your missing pencil sharpener, no more reports, boss, todesangst… Damn… for what it’s worth girls don’t even have boobs anymore.
Right that moment, it’s all burning along with the clouds and slowly sinking.
Then you just have enough time to blink twice and it’s dark already. Daddy Sun is gone to his other family.
You’re still there though, staring at nothing, feeling your existential mess creep back up your spine, cramped between the pencil sharpener and some girl’s boobs.
What are you supposed to do then?
You’ve just been the enlightened Zen monk from the movie for a full minute, and now papa’s gone home, you’re back to your old whiny self. Suck it up.
How are you supposed to return to your everyday’s plasma screen craving and internet porn when you feel you’ve just been dumped by the Sky itself?
I mean… how are you supposed to survive a sunset?
More info, more cake and still no lemon at Without a Lemon's Facebook Page
Survive this. by Danny Hefer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
At least there's no thought pops of your head if that day you might die by truck run over your body :)